Friday, 22 December 2017

Care Routine for Your Stoma after the Ostomy

Many ostomates cannot follow and adopt their previous life routine after stoma. This is not because they have a new organ in their body. This can be due to a careless care routine and poor diet plan. The people who know about their stoma and its care can do all the things they have done in their life before the operation. Thus, you need guidelines and knowledge about ostomy care and healthy life.

Right after the ostomy surgery, you will wake up with a new organ and some clothes on it. The cover of the stoma is an ostomy pouching system. The primary role of the ostomy bag is to protect the stoma and collect the waste. Well, this is the thing you will need to wear for the rest of your life or until you go through the reverse procedure.

When it comes to the care of stoma, the ostomy pouching system has a special place. Many other factors do matter and have a vital part, but the first care belongs to the stoma bag. Many people have an unhealthy opening. They wonder why even they are cleaning the skin, taking a healthy diet, and having all their medicines. But the actual reason is their poor pouching system. Some ostomates wear the too tight bag, it causes irritation and bleeding. However, some people wear too loose stoma pouch or low-quality adhesive. Due to which the leakage of the waste damages their stoma and peristomal skin.

The one vital rule for stoma care is that the waste either solid or liquid should not touch your skin. Many ostomates suffer from the fungal infection on their peristomal. This is because of the poor hygiene routine and inappropriate pouching system. Always but the stoma bag according to the size of your home. Moreover, do not compromise on the adhesive, wafer, and flanges’ quality. The low-quality adhesive will not perform its duty, cause leakage, and damage your stoma. These habits can cause extreme bleeding and pain in the opening. Thus, a person takes more time to get better and heal. This does not allow the internal organs to get healed.

However, whenever you realize any problem or change in the peristomal skin or stoma, consult your WOC nurse. Do not ever do any kind of experiment with the opening. Sometimes, bleeding from the stoma is not a problem. It is normal in many cases. But, ostomates get panic when they see blood coming out. Moreover, cleaning the entire area is an essential activity. Many people change their appliances on time, but they do not wash peristomal skin and stoma. Some ostomates do have problems in washing; thus, they need to clean the entire section with a soft cloth. Moreover, never use cold water to wash or clean the stoma parts. First, take some Luke warm water, then dip the towel or cloth in this. Then, you can clean the peristomal area and stoma. Moreover, you can use a paper towel or tissue to dry the whole portion. Also, use some medicated gel to hydrate the skin. Dehydration is another reason that can cause skin diseases and infections. It is not about the diet. Ostomates do not use gels and water to clean the area. Thus, you must use some organic and chemical-free moisturizers to hydrate the peristomal skin. A balanced pH is one of the essential elements to provide a healthy life.

Moreover, bad and careless eating habits and diet plans can cause problems. Some people eat too much, they cannot avoid meat, pizza, burger, onions, garlic, and barbecue. Such things can cause constipation and cause bleeding in the stoma. However, some people eat too many fresh fruits which are also not so good for an ileostomy and Urostomy patient. It causes too much excretion and leakage as well.

GI Tract Before and After Ostomy Surgery

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